Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dear friends, I am sad to report that the day after my last post, my sister's wonderful fiancee, Johan, was in a bad motorcylcle accident where he sustained many injuries. The wreck occured late at night on a windy road up in the montains notoriously called "The Dragon". Due to weather, he could not be flown to the hospital but he had to wait nearly an hour and a half for an ambulance. Luckily his best friend Svend was with him the whole time. If you havent noticed, Johan is not a southern boy. He was born in Denmark, moved to the states (California) around 10 yrs ago, then to Tennesee. Once he moved to TN, he was in a relationship and had a beautiful daughter named Silvia who is almost 3. Johan and Katie met back in January when he came into the red cross where she works to fufill a new years resolution to help more in the community.

So back to the wreck, he had a collasped lung, broken pelvis, broken vertabrae, tore a hole in his bladder, tore pretty much everything possible in his right knee. Then, a few days after the crash when he was considered stable but still in the ICU, my sister noticed his eyes not tracking and his speech more slurred and he was noticable more confused. The doctors and nurses blamed in all on the pain meds but after much pushing, and MRI was done and it was found that he had a minor stroke. At this point, I went home for almost a week to be with my family and support johan and my sister. He was moved recently to a rehabilation facility and is doing remarkably well. He is a fighter and the doctors are confident he can make a full recovery. You can follow his progress through is caring bridge site:

Please pray for his progress and my sister and entire family while they support and take care of Johan. Johan's mother Lillian is in town indefinitely right now so she has also been a major part of his recovery.

I willl try to update on myself soon, there is alot to report. Its been a horrendous week and I have mostly been bedridden. I am excited to be in one of my best friends weddings this weekend but I am unsure how much I can participate in at this time. Please pray for me this weekend and I will update next week. Thanks.

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